When i was a kid i would never imagine myself beeing a social worker. actually, my dream was beeing a veterinary but i cant because the dead of animals has more meening to me than a human life. 

Im closer to end the career and when i finish it, i only can imagine me trying to help other people. I dont even know if i'll work as a social worker inmediatally when i get graduated. And i already know that the salary its not that good.

I really love travel but if i will be traveling in my future work as a social worker i could't imagine of other way that's not beeing in territories with limited resurces, like africa or something like that, with kids that die for hungry. Obviuosly someone have to worry about this things, we cannot let it pass like it's nothing or just because is not your case, because it is happening, very time ago.

In my future work i considerate indispensable to talk with the people to learn from their experiences. In my ideal work i would not have to worry about the time i spend in every case, because every case require a different time and they are all equaly important. In my ideal work i would put the effisence in first place, not money, just good will.

Thank you for reading and good vibes :)


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