Know, while i am writing this i can ear the sound of the falling rain, i can feel the cold even i am in my bed, and that's because my house has a little problem with the ventilation. When the weather is like this i can not stop thinking about the people who doesn't have a house or the dog and cats who are at the streets. I think that for that reason i prefer the warm weather...

Thinking about the next holidays i think i would like to visit my family who lives in Villa Mercedes, located in Los Angeles, to the south of Chile. My mom moved there no long time ago and i miss her too.

I Can get ther very easily if i take a interregional bus but with a journey about seven hours, So I have to travel with snacks, and my cell phone with battery to be able to entertain myself and stay connected, if I traveled at night I could also take advantage of that time to sleep, of course it is not the same as sleeping in bed but it is worth it to reach the desired destination .


Villa Mercedes is a place very humble, with green areas of vegetation and forestation. I can't wait to go there and visit the lake wich people say is beautifull. I also would like to take a walk to the virgin, even i am not a religion person i enjoy of the little trekkings. 

When the night falls is one of the most great part because you can get warm beside the wood stove, drinking wine or mate while you enjoy a conversation with your family...

I remember that at night you can ear the crickets and at morning the singing of the rooster...

Thank you for reading and good vibes :)


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