If I had the opportunity to change the program of my university career, I do not think I would change the subjects that are studied because I consider that the knowledge that is required for social work and that which the same university seeks to give us is quite comprehensive, for me it is the perfect mix between humanities and science. Now in these last years I find it too logical that in the first year we had subjects such as philosophy, anthropology, psychology, methodology and sociology. They taught us not to understand things from a single point of view, especially in the social sphere, which is so diverse and the human being so complex.

Regarding the academic load, it is not too much, if you only dedicate yourself to study, when you work it becomes a little more complicated. The duration of the degree is 5 years, in the first two years you are certified with the basic cycle of social sciences, then you specialize to get a degree and in the last year you graduate, but you are given the option to choose branches of Magister or doctorate to continue studying next year ... This option would be the ideal, however, not everyone has the same economic situation to continue studying ...

Now with the pandemic I value the campus a lot and I miss it, since in it I could find different environments. It has libraries, computer rooms and green areas ... For me this was essential since I get lost easily, so depending on what my responsibilities were, I could spend the afternoon studying at a desk and relaxing on the grass ...


This season the use of technology has been essential in order to continue with our studies. Unfortunately, we do not all have the same conditions, for example, having a computer and internet, and that they work. Although I cannot complain about the answers that the university has given since attendance is not entirely mandatory. Although from my humble opinion, we do not all learn in the same way, then this new methodology can be either flattering or frustrating.

According to the learning methods, the only thing that I don't like are the public presentations, or at least the fact that they are evaluated, since there are many things that can play against you. In that sense, I would prefer that you opt for an open dialogue or make presentations but that are to share knowledge and contribute to the development of personality and the ability to debate without the pressure of being evaluated with a note since a note does not define you.

Thank you for reading and good vibes :)


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